Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) for Hair Loss

Hair loss can be devastating for men and women alike. Treating hair loss is a challenge, as there is a lack of effective non-surgical therapies for men and women with pattern hair loss.Topical Rogaine (minoxidil) is only of limited help, and while taking oral Propecia (finasteride) helps to regrow hair in men, it is ineffective in women. Hair transplantation is effective but its utility is limited to both men and women with somewhat advanced hair loss. Fortunately, there is a new technique called PRP treatment for hair loss, which is changing the way we treat hair loss.

If you are considering a PRP treatment to get thicker and fuller hair request a consultation online or contact us at (508)364 6932 to schedule your appointment.

How does PRP for hair loss work?

Used for over a decade PRP has been used in orthopedics to enhance healing after surgery and injuries, is now being used to enhance hair growth. In addition to white and red blood cells, blood plasma contains platelets which contain high levels of growth factors, messengers that tell our cells to function optimally. It appears that PRP helps to encourage regrowth of hair by stimulating resting hairs to grow and thicken. In dermatology, it is most commonly being used to treat a variety of types of hair loss such as pattern thinning (also known as androgenetic alopecia) in both men and women, as well as less common conditions such as alopecia areata (patches of balding) and frontal fibrosing folliculitis (a type of scarring hair loss.)

What to expect with PRP hair loss treatments

To obtain the PRP, a small sample of the patient’s blood is spun down using a special centrifuge. The platelets are then injected into the thinning area. Each session includes 10 to 20 injection sites depending on the size of the area being treated.

The initial treatment protocol is comprised of 6 treatments over 12 months. Patients have a session every month for the first 3 months, then a total of 3 additional treatments spaced 3 months apart. The initial treatments stimulate the hairs to grow, and the next sessions maintain what has grown and can stimulate new growth. Following the initial 6 treatment protocol (over a 12-month span), maintenance injections are usually required at 6 to 12-month intervals. Your provider will help you determine the optimal timing of these maintenance treatments.