Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers, also known as injectable implants, soft tissue fillers, lip and facial fillers, or wrinkle fillers are medical device implants approved by the FDA for use in helping to create a smoother and/or fuller appearance in the face, including nasolabial folds (the lines extending from the sides of the nose to the edges of the mouth), cheeks, chin, lips, and back of the hands.

Since some dermal fillers are naturally absorbed over time, patients may need to repeat the procedure after some time to maintain the desired effect. Successful results will depend on the underlying tissue structure and the volume and type of filler used. The time that the effect lasts depends on the filler material and the area where it is injected.



During the first 24–48 hours after treatment you will experience redness, swelling and tenderness in the treated areas. These responses are normal and resolve quickly and spontaneously over the next 2-4 days. You can apply light water-based or mineral makeup where necessary. Drink plenty of cold water for 48 hours after the procedure.

Bruising at the site of injection is also common and clears completely in 1-10 days. Please read your aftercare instructions in the aftercare pack provided - there are several things you can do to help bruising.

Swelling and bruising can give the appearance of ‘unevenness’ in the area treated. This will settle once the swelling and bruising has gone. If there is any ‘unevenness’ present after 14 days, please contact the clinic for advice. Occasionally a further ‘correctional’ treatment is required within the first 2-4 weeks after your dermal filler treatment. If you would like to have further enhancement, it can be done after 1-2 months. NOTE: Any additional dermal filler required will be charged at the usual rate.

After your dermal filler treatment you should:

  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, hot drinks and spicy food for 24 hours, as these may exacerbate bruising and swelling.

  • Avoid medications such as aspirin or nurofen for 24 hours as they are blood thinning agents and may exacerbate bruising (if these medications have been advised by your GP please check with your GP before stopping them)

  • Avoid supplements such as multivitamins, fish oils, glucosamine and Vitamin B or Vitamin E, which are blood thinning agents and may exacerbate bruising for 24 hours (if these supplements have been advised by your GP please check with your GP before stopping them) • Avoid exercise/exertion for 24 hours

  • Avoid excess sun exposure or solarium use for 24 hours

  • Apply ice frequently as required to the area injected for up to 6 hours after the treatment. This will prevent or help to alleviate any bruising. It will also help to reduce any swelling.

You can use Arnica cream and arnica tablets to help alleviate any bruising. NOTE: bruises can last 1-10 days. They are TEMPORARY and will completely disappear over time with no effect on your treatment. Once bruising has formed (within the first 48 hours) it is better to apply warmth to the area to encourage the body’s natural reabsorption of the bruise from the skin.

Please advise your cosmetic practitioner prior to treatment if you have suffered in the past with cold sores on the skin or lips. This viral infection may be re-activated by some injectable treatments. You are advised to take an anti-viral medication such as Zovirax on the day of your treatment and for several days after your treatment or L-lysine for 2-3 days prior to and a week after your treatment.

It is advisable to massage the areas gently with a greasy moisturiser or arnica cream 2 x daily for 1-2 days. If any lumps occur, gently massage the areas 2-3 x daily for 3-4 days with your fingers and a greasy moisturiser.

If no lumps are visible, you do not need to massage the areas for a prolonged period.

If you feel that further enhancement of an area is required, please contact your cosmetic practitioner for a follow-up appointment or advice as to when a further treatment can be carried out. If you suffer any allergic responses, prolonged generalised symptoms or any lumps/unevenness persists after 14 days, please contact your cosmetic practitioner for advice.


In some treatments there is a small risk that the dermal filler will press on small blood vessels causing a reduced circulation of blood to the skin. This can lead to tissue damage and possibly scarring. If you experience prolonged pain in the area injected and/or a change in skin colour (paleness, white or dusky grey discolouration as opposed to the purplish/red colour of a bruise) within 24 hours after your treatment, please contact your cosmetic practitioner immediately for advice.